Sec 2 Exp Lit Blog
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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Chapter 3
Pg 27- Leslie comes to class on the 1st day of school and is greeted with surprise because of her dressing
Pg 28- Leslie takes her seat and Jess is lost in his thoughts till he’s told to give out books
Pg 29 - Gary asks if Jess is running that day while he distributes the books
Pg 30 – When Gary demands to see Jess’ drawing, Jess steps on his toe. Mrs Myers reprimands him
Pg 31 – Two girls insult Leslie during breaktime. After school, the boys rush off for their race
Pg 32 – The boys eagerly get ready for the run
Pg 33 - Gary takes charge and gets the boys organised for the race
Pg 34 - Leslie joins in and Jess pretends to looks away
Pg 35 - Leslie beats Jess and the rest, to the boys’ shock
Pg 36 - Leslie also beats Gary, angering the boys.
Pg 37 – Jess is impressed with Leslie’s talent for running but doesn’t say so

Chapter 4
Pg 38 - Leslie wins for all the races, which makes the running no longer as fun for the boys
Pg 39 - One consolation from the race is music lessons with Ms Edmunds
Pg 40 - Jess and Leslie exchange smiles as they share the joy of singing during the lessons, marking the start of their friendship
Pg 41 - Leslie tells Jess about life in her previous school, where she was much happier
Pg 42 - Jess is shocked by Leslie’s explanation of why her family decided to leave their comfortable life for life on the farm
Pg 43 – Mrs Meyers reads Leslie’s composition on Scuba Diving to the class
Pg 44 - Leslie says she can’t do the assignment as she has no television. The class reacts with disbelief and contempt
Pg 45 - Leslie is teased and taunted by the students. Jess tries to talk to her.
Pg 46 - Leslie runs up the bus and sits at the back seat. Jess pulls her away from the ‘forbidden 7th graders’ territory.
Pg 47 - Leslie is thankful to Jess for standing up for her and suggests doing something together
Pg 48 – May belle is unhappy at not being included. Leslie offers her her brand new paper dolls.
Pg 49 – Jess and Leslie run to an empty field to play. Leslie suggests looking for a secret place where they can go to
Pg 50 – They find a place and name it ‘Terabithia’. They find boards and other materials to build a castle
Pg 51 - Leslie tells Jess she believes he can draw whatever he wants someday. Janice gets back at Jess by accusing him of tripping her.
Pg 52 - Leslie is angered at what Janice did and says they have to stop her. She tells him the story of Moby Dick.
Pg 53 - They’re now more open about their friendship despite being teased.
Pg – 54 Leslie makes jokes about Mrs Myers and Jess visualizes the funny images in his mind.
Pg 55 – Descriptions of Leslie’s parents
Pg 56 – Jess’ family is not as welcoming of Leslie
Pg 57 - Jess feels stronger and better about himself when with Leslie and when in Terabithia

2:48 PM

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Chapter 1
Pg 9- Jess gets up early to run
• ‘hot as popping grease’
Metaphor/ simile
• mad as flies in a fruit jar
Pg 10- Jess leaves the house quietly so as not to wake the rest
Pg 11- He greets the cow and starts the run
Pg 12- Jess likes running because of the positive attention he gets
Pg 13- Jess is called in for breakfast
Pg 14- Jess’ sisters demand that he wash up, Jess asks Maybelle to fetch him a shirt
• Grits is a type of corn porridge and a food common in the Southern United States consisting of coarsely ground corn.
Pg 15- The spoilt sisters get away from doing the chores and get their mother to give them some money for shopping.
Pg 16- Jess realises that a U-haul is parked into Old Perkins’ place. People are moving into the neighborhood
Pg 17- Maybelle passes him his shirt

Chapter 2
Pg 18- Jess makes peanut-butter sandwiches for his sisters
Pg 19- Jess goes to his room to find some peace through drawing
Pg 20 – Jess doesn’t usually show others his drawings as they’re usually frowned upon. Only Ms Edmunds, whom he has a crush on, appreciates it.
Pg. 21- His mother thinks Ms Edmunds is a hippie
Originally, hippies were part of a youth movement composed mostly of white teenagers and young adults, between the ages of 15 and 25 years old, who inherited a tradition of cultural dissent from the earlier Bohemians and the beatniks. Hippies rejected established institutions, criticized middle class values, opposed nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War, embraced aspects of Eastern philosophy, championed sexual liberation, were often vegetarian and eco-friendly, promoted the use of psychedelic drugs to expand one's consciousness, and created intentional communities or communes. They used alternative arts, street theatre, folk music, and psychedelic rock as a part of their lifestyle and as a way of expressing their feelings, their protests and their vision of the world and life. Hippies opposed political and social orthodoxy, choosing a gentle and nondoctrinaire ideology that favored peace, love and personal freedom, perhaps best epitomized by The Beatles' song "All You Need is Love (extracted from Wikipedia)
Pg 22- Jess finds that he and Ms Edmunds have a lot in common
Pg 23- Jess milks the cow. He feels lonely in his house of females
Pg 24- Jess is irritated when Maybelle intrudes on his privacy but feels bad for sounding curt. His dad returns and May Belle runs to greet him
Pg 25- Instead of being greeted by his father the next morning when he’s out running, he’s greeted by a new voice
Pg 26- His new neighbour, Leslie Burke, introduces herself and Jess returns the introduction briefly.

2:59 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Welcome to the Lit Blog!

A snapshot of what we've covered so far on our journey through The Bridge to Terabithia...

2:23 PM

Semester 1- Bridge to Terabithia,
Semester 2- Poetry, Prose and Plays