Sec 2 Exp Lit Blog
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chapter 5
P58- May Belle makes herself an easy victim for bullying
P59-May Belle’s Twinkies get stolen
P60- Leslie tells May Belle Jess can’t pick a fight with Janice but they promise to get back at Janice
P61- Jess and Leslie think of a plan
P62- Leslie comes up with an idea to trick Janice into believing a boy wrote her a love letter
P63- Leslie crafts the letter and Jess writes it out
P64- Jess goes into the classroom to plant a note while Leslie fends off people who try to enter
P65- Jess stuffs the note in Janice’s desk and hides in the boys’ room.
P66- The whole bus speculates about Janice and Willard’s relationship. Jess feels sorry for her.
P67- May Belle is surprised that Jess and Leslie could make her so mad.

Chapter 6
P68 - Ellie and Brenda are preoccupied with getting gifts for Christmas
P69- Jess gets angry when Brenda insults Leslie
P70- Jess thinks of something to get Leslie but finds it hard to find anything good enough
P71- Jess gets Leslie a puppy for Christmas
P72- Leslie is delighted with the gift
P73- Leslie gives him a box of watercolors and Jess is overwhelmed
P74- Jess celebrates Christmas with his family
P75- Jess’ mother asks him to stop playing and go milk the cow
P76- Leslie accompanies Jess

2:51 PM

Semester 1- Bridge to Terabithia,
Semester 2- Poetry, Prose and Plays